Wind energy market is expanding globally without any intentions of slowing down. It has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. According to the Global Wind Statistics 2012, China is leading the market with the total installed capacity of 75,564 MW, followed by USA with 60,007 MW, Germany 31,332 MW, Spain 22,796 MW and India in the 5th rank with 18,421 MW. The Asian market has the total installed capacity of 97,810 MW, while, worldwide installation accounts to about 282,482 MW. With the implementation of the right policy support wind market is foreseen to reach more than 1,100 GW by 2020, which could in return save nearly 1.7 billion tons of CO2 emissions.
The largest wind farm developed so far is the Alta Wind Energy Center wind farm in California, USA with 490 units of wind turbines installed capacity of 1,320 MW, followed by an Indian wind farm, Jaisalmer Wind Park with the production capacity of 1,064 MW. United Kingdom also has produced offshore wind farms with highest generation power; the largest one today is London Array of 630 MW with 175 Siemens turbine but is soon to be dwarfed by the £3.6 billion wind project of 1.2 GW with 300 turbines which will be built in Lincolnshire.
Moreover, the leading market is also supported with the innovative machinery developed to utilize the maximum of what one can acquire. Today a single wind turbine with the rated capacity of 7.5 MW has been developed by a German company, Enercon. While other leading turbine manufacturers like REpower, Siemens, and Sinovel are also running the race by developing turbines of higher rated capacity which is proven to be more efficient. The market has taken an enormous leap with the rapid technology development by growing tenfold in the last three decades.
Rajasthan state in India is seen to have similar wind profile as the sites in Nepal and has the installed facility of 2000 MW so far. Hence, the possibility to meet the growing electricity demand of the country with this approved and acknowledged technology is right in front of us to harness.
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)’s national grid line shows that Annapurna Conservation Area alone covers 143 sq. km above wind power density (WPD) of 300 Watt/ m². With the 5 MW installed per sq. km yielding 716 MW, it certainly is huge enough to outdo the power cuts and get started on the path of sustainable development through clean energy generation and promotion of new technologies in Nepal.